Tonight with the impressionists, Paris 1874
Tonight with the impressionists, Paris 1874
“Tonight with the impressionists, Paris 1874″ is an immersive virtual reality expedition that invites you to travel back in time: transported 150 years ago to Paris, you will attend the opening of the first Impressionist exhibition.
An ambitious, large-format collective experience, created as close as possible to historical reality, for almost 100 simultaneous visitors in free roaming, spread out over 700m2 at the Musée d’Orsay from 26 March to 11 August 2024.
Immerse yourself in the Paris of the time, meet Monet, Renoir, Degas, Morisot, Cézanne, Pissarro and the others, and discover the works and places that marked the beginnings of the Impressionist movement in a whole new way.
Coproduction :
EXCURIO - GEDEON Experiences - Musée d’Orsay
Based on an original idea and never-before-seen historical reconstructions by :
GEDEON Experiences
Curators :
Sylvie Patry, Anne Robbins
Writers :
Emmanuelle Piton, Pierre Gable
In partnership with :
les Voyages Impressionnistes
Operation supported by :
Visit Paris Region, Normandie Tourisme, Ile-de-France & Normandie Regions and and the French government - Fonds national d'aménagement et de développement du territoire
© Excurio, GEDEON Experiences, Musée d'Orsay
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