Mont Saint Michel: Scanning the Wonder
Mont Saint Michel: Scanning the Wonder
Mont Saint-Michel, which stands in a bay separating Normandy from Brittany and has been built and rebuilt over 15 centuries, appeared in a dream to the Bishop of Avranches in the eighth century. The mysteries of the monument’s labyrinthine structure are still being deciphered by historians and archaeologists. With the help of 3D modeling and new dating methods, researchers can now study the multiple, overlapping layers of construction. And thanks to a major restoration program, visitors can descend deep into the bowels of the monument to discover its secrets.
The Archaeology Channel (TAC) International Film Festival 2019
• Best Animation and Special Effects award
• Best Narration award
• Honorable Mention for Best Film, Audience Favorite, Best Cinematography, Best Public Education Value, Best Script
Amiens Archaeological Film Festival 2018 (France)
• DRAC Award (Regional Office of Cultural Affairs)
Arkhaios Film Festival 2018 (USA)
• Honorable Mention for Best Cultural Heritage film
ICRONOS International Festival of Archaeological Films 2018 (Bordeaux)
• Audience Award
Narbonnaise Archaeology Encounters 2018 (France)
• Grand Prize