Ark of the Covenant: the Bible’s origins
Ark of the Covenant: the Bible’s origins
For the first time ever, a joint French-Israeli scientific mission, led by archaeologist Israel Finkelstein, and biblical scholar Thomas Römer, prepare to unearth the secrets of Kiryath-Jearim. According to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was kept on the hill of Kiryath-Jearim before it was taken to Jerusalem. Using the latest scientific and innovative technologies, their finds will coalesce into a comprehensive story, which just may solve the long lost mystery of the Ark. It is a fascinating investigation, in which clues gathered from these and other ancient sites, are juxtaposed with biblical texts, revealing an even bigger story, that of the Bible’s origins.
Nyon International Festival of Archaeological Films – FIFAN
- First Jury Award
RUSHDOC Film Festival For Documentaries (USA)